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ECS Intranet:
Developments to the Theory of the Nonlinear Gap Metric and Applications to Robust Adaptive Control

The gap metric and its variants play a fundamental role in robust linear control. In an important paper, Georgiou and Smith established a far-reaching generalisation of the gap metric to nonlinear systems. This project initially developed a new approach torobust adaptive control within this robust uncertainty framework.

A second line of research considers the relationship between nonlinear graph topologies and various formulations of the gap metric. In particular relationships between the theory of the gap metric and nonlinear co-prime factorisations have been developed. This is mostly in the context of gain-function notions of stability.

Homepage: http://www.isis.ecs.soton.ac.uk/control/
Type: Normal Research Project
Research Group: Information: Signals, Images, Systems Research Group
Theme: Control Systems
Dates: ? to ?


Principal Investigators

Other Investigators

URI: http://id.ecs.soton.ac.uk/project/184
RDF: http://rdf.ecs.soton.ac.uk/project/184

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